Sunday, 20 January 2013

Hey everyone!

So... this is very new to me, I am definitely not experienced in the blogging department. I've already confused myself and don't know if I'm supposed to create a post, create a new blog, click the share button, or where this will even show up. But, let's see what happens.

I'm 25, I love the internet, love social networking, and think blogging will be easy and fun! I am always a little bit leery about what type of information people can find about me on the internet. I am not one of those people who change their status daily to inform people what kinds of things I'm doing or what I'm interested in. I like to keep my private life private, and only share what's necessary. So, for blogging purposes, I will have to let me guard down a little and open up to sharing with people for a while!   

On that note, I am excited about the Internet for Educators course, anxious to see what new things I will learn, and ready to use the internet as a tool for teaching!


  1. Welcome to blogging! The internet is an amazing tool and gets even better when we open up to sharing and making it a collaborative space.
    I look forward to working and learning together in this course.

  2. Hey Jen! I agree with you and I'm also not one to update the world on what I'm wearing or eating everyday. This blog is taking us out of our comfort zones and I think it is going to challenge us in a good way. I look forward to following your blog and the ideas you have :)

  3. Hey Jen Banks. I am also a person who doesn't let the whole world know how I am feeling every hour of every day. Use the blog to discover new ideas and share ideas that you may come across. Lookin forward to reading what you have to say..

  4. Hi Jen! I am also a private person and I do not have a very large online presence. I am coming from a home where to this day my parents do not like that I use facebook and post pictures of myself. It think this has influenced my perception of the internet as an unsafe safe place to express yourself and share information. I look forward to following your thoughts and experiences!
