Thursday, 7 March 2013

Future of Education?

I think it is clear after everything we have learned this semester that the future for us as educators is filled with tech savvy teaching tools! The Horizon Report shares a few of their ideas of what they think some of these teaching tools may be. 

Cloud Computing (One large home to many different servers)
Mobiles (Just as it sounds, mobile hand held browsers are taking over!)
Game-Based Learning (A more interactive way for students to learn using multiple different games and simulations)
Open Content (Sharing and collaborating, meaning less textbooks)
Learning Analytic (Studying many types of data produced by students to better target each individual learner)
Personal Learning Environment (We are very familiar with these!)

I am a firm believer that the technology we have today and advancements in teaching tools is making us "smarter" individuals. I also believe in the "Work smarter not harder" saying!! I think this is what all teachers and students can look forward to in the future. Teachers will still  be great role models in the classrooms (guides on the side), students will still be learning a great amount of information each year, but it will simply be delivered in a more modern, interactive way using the most up to date technology available. 

Safe to say I think this is a great time for us to be entering the world of education!

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