This term has proven to be another information packed-never enough time-kind of term! We've looked at videos, websites, digital stories, photo editing, portfolios, and much more (to say the least). However, most importantly we have talked about the changing ways of the classroom and the newer, authentic-learning styles of the the students. As discussed in class yesterday, maybe the learning styles and information aren't totally changing- but it seems we as the teachers are. We are moving to the sidelines to better allow students to fuel their own learning and work in a collaborative manner. So what does this look like in the classroom? Well, I can't tell you with 100% certainty! But I will start here..
I came across a website that does a fantastic job of summing everything up that came up in our discussion about how to be an "on-board" teacher in 2014. Feel free to take a look by following this link: Authentic Instruction
A quick sneak peak of what the authors say to be the 5 rules of authentic learning....
Higher-Order Thinking
Depth of Knowledge
Connectedness to the World Beyond the Classroom
Substantive Conversations
Social Support for Student Achievement
So, I will start there. And I will allow students to lend a hand in how they want to learn the information we need them to be learning. And of course, I think every great teacher learns from their mistakes- and I feel comfortable saying that trial and error is sure to happen in my classroom, but I'm confident that our successes as a whole class will come out on top.
Good luck to all my fellow classmates and thanks again to Mike for providing us the information needed to set us up for success in our first teaching positions :)
Tuesday, 4 March 2014
Thursday, 20 February 2014
Maple with John Evans
Maple is a website and resource for professionals in the education field, including pre-service teachers still attending university. Maple (or Manitoba Professional Learning Environment) is a great way to share resources and collaborate with other professionals in the education field. John, being an administrator of the website, encourages pre-service teachers to join the group as it allows us to use many of the resources available on this website. As a member, you will have access to many different areas such as the library for reading resources (along with your own personal library), an events calendar (informing us of any workshops, professional development sessions, or other important events available to us), a blog sharing links and materials for teachers of all grades, and discussions that may be of interest or importance to you. On a more personal level, Maple allows you to request entrance to private groups and chats that would be beneficial to you and your career at that time. John also discussed the benefits of being involved in a Personal Learning Network as it allows you to get connected and receive responses from many other educators in the field who will help you shape your teaching career. All in all, a great session from a committed fellow educator who travelled on bad roads to make it to us!
Thanks John- and of course we were all happy to share the moment of the Canadian women heading to overtime in the gold medal hockey game!!
Thanks John- and of course we were all happy to share the moment of the Canadian women heading to overtime in the gold medal hockey game!!
Friday, 14 February 2014
The only thing missing is the students!
I finally put the finishing touches on my classroom website- and I am excited to re-visit it in September and hopefully have my own classroom! Feel free to take a look, it is far from perfect but a good foundation for now!
Thursday, 13 February 2014
A New Day, A New Blog
I feel like I have defeated blogger AND technology and finally managed to get into my old blog account! It's a great day. So I've combined my two blogs so that they are easier to follow and easier to read. Mike will be happy!
It's been a great week using video to create small movie clips to showcase just what video in the classroom can achieve. It's definitely been fun and we can't wait to show everyone! With Canada's medal count on everyone's mind, we may have went in the direction of an Olympic theme..

It's been a great week using video to create small movie clips to showcase just what video in the classroom can achieve. It's definitely been fun and we can't wait to show everyone! With Canada's medal count on everyone's mind, we may have went in the direction of an Olympic theme..

John Finch
"It is critical that our students think critically"! John Finch
John says that in order for a student to be ICT literate, they should have the ability to find internet sources that are valid, reliable, and current. This might not seem logical to some of our students as they are most likely to click on the very first set of links that come up when they use any search engine. One way to help explain the importance of finding recent, relevant information (that really helped us get on board too) is to talk about today's doctors. Would you want them using the original practices and medicine that were used years and years ago? Or would you want them using the most effective, recent, and logical practices and medicine that they come across? It's an easy answer when looked at from that angle!
John provided many reasons why it is so crucial to have your students using the internet and technology in a safe and educational manner. One of the most important reasons to me as a new teacher will be to use ICT to help generate an audience for my student's work. To our students, it will surely prove to be of greater importance having other peers and students their age acknowledging their work than just us as their teachers!
Thanks, John, for another great discussion!
Class Websites
I've learned a little something about late night blogging - that it gets
my mind going a million miles a minute! I figured I still had enough
thoughts happening to create one more post for the night. Our other big
project we are trying to master right now is creating our own websites
for our future classroom. Now I know some people have been having a hard
time with this task as it isn't easy creating a website to share with
your class when you don't have a class yet! However, I'm thinking the
foundation of my website will remain the same over time-I just might
tweak a few things from year to year as my students come and go. Some of
the most important information I feel necessary to include in this
website is who I am as a teacher and what my students can expect of me,
our classroom values, the latest news, and a place for sharing our
masterpieces with each other and with parents. I think mainly, our class
website should be a safe place to share some of our best
accomplishments as a group and as individuals, and keep parents up to
date with the most exciting news and chatter around our classroom. Once I
complete my website I will be sure to post a link sharing some of the
ideas that I have came up with - and also some great ideas that others
have shared and passed along for our benefit!
This week had me thinking a lot about ePortfolios (well, Mike has sparked
an interest in this topic area!) First thing to be discussed: should we
be using the ePortfolio? Or should we stick to something we consider
comfortable and easy to use, being the paper route? Well I know what I
thought of right away, it's 2014 and we don't do anything using the
"paper route" anymore! Sure, we will have some polished resumes to hand
out in a few months, but for the most part out career is going to be
(hopefully) focused on using the most recent and modern tools and
technology. So the answer for me was to go the ePortfolio route. That
was actually the easy part! The hard part? Deciding what it is about
yourself that stands out from the other 100 applications and portfolios
that your future employer might be looking at! The portfolio basics I
feel comfortable with - you need to include a little bit about yourself,
your education, your personal learning experiences, related work
experience, achievements, samples of your creations, and a few other
things once you've completed that. What I consider most important in
this portfolio is showcasing who I am as a teacher, a colleague, and why
my teaching philosophy is one to be recognized. All in all, this is a piece I have yet to accomplish and put the finishing touches on, but soon to be completed! I feel confident and determined
to make this something that highlights who I am as a person, and really
use it as a way to help me to understand who it is that I want to be as
a professional, and where I see myself in the future.
A little bit about me
This week we all created a word cloud to show how we felt about
technology in the classroom and included some of our philosophies as
future teachers. Well, here's what I came up with (for the second time,
as technology failed me and I couldn't find my previously saved cloud!)
Creating this word cloud lead me to think more about inquiry based learning and hopefully having a student centered classroom. My hope is by doing this, the students will have the opportunity to be more creative than ever with all of the new technology and opportunities offered to them. One thing I'm passionate about is having a classroom where my students can be creative and free in how they want to express what they know. They can help decide what our year will look like while keeping in mind their interests as individuals as well as a whole group . With this I will hopefully create a collaborative learning environment where the students can build off eachothers knowledge and work together to create their own masterpieces!
Creating this word cloud lead me to think more about inquiry based learning and hopefully having a student centered classroom. My hope is by doing this, the students will have the opportunity to be more creative than ever with all of the new technology and opportunities offered to them. One thing I'm passionate about is having a classroom where my students can be creative and free in how they want to express what they know. They can help decide what our year will look like while keeping in mind their interests as individuals as well as a whole group . With this I will hopefully create a collaborative learning environment where the students can build off eachothers knowledge and work together to create their own masterpieces!
Another First
Well, I finally
managed to get a blog up and running again! I thought my idea for this
post could be my last- first blog that I will be creating. It's hard to
believe that we are weeks away from being certified teachers, and yet
there is still so much to learn! I kept my original blog name (from the
account I am still locked out of) because I think it speaks a lot for
our future career. There is always going to be new strategies,
technology, and information to learn from our colleagues and our
students that will make us better teachers. As Mike brought to our
attention the other day in class, do we want to be teachers so we can
teach? Or do we want to become teachers so we can learn? Something worth
thinking about!
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